Advieh Stuffing

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Recipe by Chef Abraham Risho


  • 2cups coarse bulgar (Gluten free? substitute with rice, or quinoa, etc.)

  • 3.5cups chicken stock

  • 1/2cup currants

  • 1/2cup sherry

  • 1/4cup butter

  • 2Tbs Advieh

  • 1Tbs salt

  • 1/4cup pine nuts

  • 1/4cup pistachio


  1. Soak currents in sherry 1 hour

  2. Bring chicken stock to boil

  3. SauteƩ pine nuts and pistachios in butter until lightly browned.

  4. Add bulgar, salt & Advieh; Stir until evenly coated.

  5. Add currants and stir.

  6. Add boiling stock and mix well.

  7. Turn on low heat, cover 20 mins.

  8. Cool and use as stuffing for turkey, or eat hot as side!

#DairyFree #glutenfree #Sides #Dinner #Stuffing #PersianAdvieh #Advieh