Steak Togarashi

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Since Perugia Restaurant opened in 1995, and all the way through The Silk Road Restaurant, Steak Togarashi has been a staple menu item. On occasion, the "Tog" would dip out of first place, but never left the top two menu items for 20 years. We'd have guests tell us "we come to the Silk Road to try something new, but we always have to have the Togarashi too!" The recipe is simple, and has all flavor components, sweet, salty,

  • Four 6oz pieces of red meat

  • 4 Tbsp tamari

  • 2 Tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice

  • 2 Tbsp Togarashi

  • 2 Tbsp rice vinegar

  1. Combine ingredients. Marinate meat for at least ten minutes.

  2. Grill to desired temperature.

  3. Heat remaining marinade and pour over beef.

#Steak #Beef #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Dinner #JapaneseTogarashi #Togarashi